Webinar: How to build a digital banking product in 15 minutes.
18 June 2020 8.30 CET
Today’s retail banking customers expect convenient, easy to use, secure and personalised products and services. These digital banking experiences can’t be built on old technology.
Join Mambu and ABC TECH and learn how to build a digital banking product in just a few minutes. See how to build a best-for-purpose platform based on an innovative composable banking architecture. We’ll show you how to enable custom tailored service for each customer straight from the cloud, while embracing the power of the blockchain and AI.
Building a digital banking solution - taking a composable approach
5 key attributes separating success from failure
Demo - Fast onboarding process with Leonus Mobile
Mambu core banking engine: Account creation and Leonus management console
Easy pay
Apply for a loadn in one min
Customer support and engagement in digital banking